
Explore the intersection of faith and politics through scanning the following linked articles and lists of suggested reading. You will find resources about political tribalism, as it relates to the Christian faith, as well as particulars detailing the making of the By Our Love animation. (Each link is also accessible through dropdown options within the site’s main menu, under Resources.)

a cephalopod mollusc with eight sucker-bearing arms, a soft body, strong beaklike jaws, and no internal shell.Scripture References

Biblical passages incorporated into the video, “By Our Love.”

Recommended Reading

Books and articles pertaining to political tribalism, Christian nationalism, and incongruities between faith and politics

Musical Insights

Insights into creating the musical arrangement, “By Our Love”

Discussion Questions

Brendan Kane of the UCONN Humanities Institute facilitates group conversations following public viewings of “By Our Love.” Here is a sampling of the types of questions he poses to promote discussion and contemplation.

Artistic Evolution

An article by Cora Lynn Deibler, Art Director of “By Our Love”

Voting Resources

Find answers to all your questions about how to register and vote in the age of COVID-19